Sample Lesson
Let's Travel to London
Ruth Devlin

  London, England, is a marvelous city. You can find some of the world’s best art, entertainment, shopping and dining there. More people visit London than any other city in Europe. Most visitors to London want to learn some of England’s history. They visit the Tower of London. It is almost 1,000 years old! People can hear stories about the kings and queens of England there. They can also see the crown jewels. They are worth more than $32 billion!


Conversation A

(in the Jungle Café)

Tina:    I want to travel somewhere fun, Matt.

Matt:    If you could go anywhere, where would you go?

Tina:    I’d go to London! It’s such a marvelous city!

Matt:    There is a lot of history there.

Tina:    And the shopping, dining and entertainment are amazing!

Matt:    London must get a lot of visitors.

Tina:    It does. More people visit London than any other city in Europe.


Conversation B

Matt:    Where do most visitors go in London? There are so many sights.

Tina:    Well, a lot of them go to visit the Tower of London.

Matt:    And hear stories about the kings and queens of England?

Tina:    Yes! And to see the crown jewels.

Matt:    I’d like to see those!

Tina:    Me, too. They’re worth more than $32 billion!

Matt:    Wow. That’s a lot of money!



  1. What place do many people visit in London?

  2. If you could go anywhere, where would you go?
