Sample Lesson
Amazing Animals
Ruth Devlin

November 22 Medium

  Some animals are really amazing! Polar bears are. These bears live in a really cold place. Polar bears have black skin. It soaks up the sun’s light to keep them warm. Polar bears can smell really well. They can smell their favorite food up to 16 kilometers away!

 Camels live in desert areas. They can carry half their body weight for long distances. They can go for a week without drinking water. When they drink, they can drink 200 liters of water in just a few minutes.


Find It

What can polar bears do really well?


Conversation A

(in the Jungle Café)

Megan: Hi, Matt. I just got this toy bear for my son. Isn’t it cute?

Matt:    It is. It’s a polar bear. Polar bears look white, but they have black skin.

Megan: Really?

Matt:    Yes. It soaks up the sun’s light to keep them warm.

Megan: That’s interesting.

Matt:    And polar bears can smell really well.

Megan: How well?

Matt:    They can smell their favorite food about 16 kilometers away!


Conversation B

Megan: There are a lot of amazing animals in the world.

Matt:    I know!  Think about camels.

Megan: Camels?

Matt:    Yes. They can carry half their body weight for long distances.

Megan: I knew that. And they don’t need to drink water every day.

Matt:    That’s right. But when they do, they can drink 200 liters of water in just a few minutes.

Megan: That is amazing!



1. How does black skin help polar bears keep warm?

2. What animal do you think is amazing?
